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The case for the Bernie Sanders "Independence Front"

Bernie rally in Portland

Independent and moderate voters make up 42 percent of the voting demographic as of 2016.

Taking that into consideration, 33% of Sanders supporters will not vote for Clinton if she is the nominee, all but guaranteeing GOP potential nominee Donald Trump the White House. What this means, is if Clinton is the Democratic nominee, Donald Trump likely becomes our next President.

It is a commonly held belief that a majority of America does not like the prospect of a Clinton v Trump general. We've already established that a good size of Bernie's support base will not support Clinton in the nomination, in addition to the fact that Clinton - although beating Trump nationally - possesses a much wider and riskier error margin if she is Trump's candidate to beat in the general. With this in mind, the logical course of action to take to guarantee a prevention of Donald Trump from becoming the next President of the United States is to convince Bernie to break his promise on not running as an Independent.

Every single Presidency since then has been tied to the Bushs and the Clintons.

President George Bush I from 1989 to 1993.

President Bill Clinton from 1993 to 2001.

President George Bush II from 2001 to 2009.

President Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton's rogue State Dept. from 2009 to 2017.

Are we, as American Citizens, who fought for nearly a decade to secure democracy and independence from the British Elite, seriously going to sit back as this otherise clandestine war machine exert overt robbery of the political process through propaganda and a rigged economy and political process do it yet again? I say no.

If either of these oligarchs - Clinton the Autocrat, or Trump the Fascist - hijack our government one more time - it is time for us to look at the grim reality that a peaceful revolution may in fact be impossible.

We The People must assert ourselves and form a Government-in-Exile with Bernie Sanders as our President, if either of these psychopaths come barging into the White House on January 20, 2017. And we need to get this message to President Barack Obama and every single Independent, Democrat and Republican we can get on our side. I strongly believe President Obama would be all for this. But we have to do so and make sure we do this well before the November election.

I call on all my fellow Bernie Sanders supporters, supporters of President Obama, supporters of alternative news, Conspiracy Theorists and Party hardliners alike.

Let us rise up and take our country back!

Let us put an end to the wars.

Let's stand up and make our voice and protest heard the world over, that we do not and will not recognize a President Trump or another President Clinton!

This is our country!



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